Wuppermann AG

Ottostraße 5
D-51381 Leverkusen

Phone +49 (0) 21 71 50 00-800
Fax +49 (0) 21 71 50 00-802

Board of Management:
Johannes Nonn (Spokesman)
Dr. Arndt Laßmann
Oliver Rechtsprecher

Chairman of the Supervisory Board:
Dr. Carl Ludwig Theodor Wuppermann

Registered: Handelsregister Köln, Germany
No.: HRB 49708
VAT ID No.: DE 123 659 834

Last update: January 2025

Design and technical implementation:
C&G: Strategische Kommunikation GmbH

Wuppermann Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH

Ottostraße 5
D-51381 Leverkusen

Phone +49 (0) 21 71 50 00 800
Fax +49 (0) 21 71 50 00 802

Managing Directors:
Johannes Nonn
Dr. Arndt Laßmann
Oliver Rechtsprecher

Registered: Köln
No.: HRB 48279
VAT ID No.: DE 811 157 866

Wuppermann Industrie B.V.

Vlasweg 15
NL-4782 PW Moerdijk

Phone +31 (0) 168 357 100
Fax +31 (0) 168 357 129

Managing Directors:
Johannes Nonn
Dr. Arndt Laßmann
Terry Flokstra
Oliver Rechtsprecher

Registered: Kamer van Koophandel West-Brabant, Breda, Netherlands
No.: 20092741
VAT ID No.: NL 808447464B01

Wuppermann Otel România S.R.L.

9 Prof. Dr. Ioan Cantacuzino street
Sector 1
RO-011437 Bucharest

Phone +40 749 066 886

Managing Director:
Carl F. Swoboda

Registered: Bucharest Trade Registry J40/8391/24.05.2006
Fiscal Code: CUI 18697750 - Attribute: R

Wuppermann Staba GmbH

Ottostraße 5
D-51381 Leverkusen

Phone +49 (0) 21 71 50 00 800
Fax +49 (0) 21 71 50 00 802

Managing Directors:
Johannes Nonn
Dr. Arndt Laßmann
Oliver Rechtsprecher

Registered: Köln
No.: HRB 48500
VAT ID No.: DE 811 157 831

Wuppermann Technologies C.V.

Vlasweg 15
NL-4782 PW Moerdijk

Phone +31 168 357-130
Fax +31 168 357-139

Managing Directors:
Johannes Nonn
Dr. Arndt Laßmann
Terry Flokstra
Oliver Rechtsprecher

Registered: Kamer van Koophandel Breda
No.: 56360525
VAT ID No.: NL 8520 89 417 B01

Wuppermann Stahl GmbH

Ottostraße 5
D-51381 Leverkusen

Phone +49 (0) 21 71 50 00 800
Fax +49 (0) 21 71 50 00 802

Office in Austria:
Wuppermann Stahl GmbH
Concorde Business Park B1/22

A-2320 Schwechat
Telefon +43 50910-211

Managing Directors:
Carl F. Swoboda
Andreas Kersch

Registered: Handelsregister Köln, Germany
No.: HRB 48253
VAT ID No.: DE 811 157 858

Wuppermann Metalltechnik GmbH

Großalmstraße 7
A-4813 Altmünster

Phone +43 (0) 50 910 500
Fax +43 (0) 50 910 508

Managing Directors:
Ing. Georg Wildauer
Christoph Bell

Registered: Landesgericht Wels, Austria
No.: FN 108811 t
VAT ID No.: ATU 21847606

Wuppermann Austria GmbH

Gußstahlwerkstraße 23
A-8750 Judenburg

Phone +43 (0) 50 910 400
Fax +43 (0) 50 910 412

Managing Directors:
Hubert Pletz
Christoph Bell

Registered: Landesgericht Leoben, Austria
No.: FN 73708 w
VAT ID No.: ATU 29288909

Wuppermann Tube and Steel AB

Stora Åvägen 21
SE-436 34 Askim

Phone +46 (0) 31 60 72 70

Managing Directors:
Carl. F. Swoboda (Board Member)
Niklas Ahlstrom (Managing Director)

Bolagets säte (Registered Office): Askim
ORG. Nr. 556691-3397
VAT ID No.: SE 556691339701

Wuppermann Staal Nederland B.V.

Vlasweg 15
Havenno. 170
NL-4782 PW Moerdijk

Phone +31 (0) 168 357 100
Fax +31 (0) 168 357 129

Managing Directors:
Terry Flokstra
Karsten Pronk

Registered: Kamer van Koophandel West-Brabant, Breda, Netherlands
No.: 20092734
VAT ID No.: NL 808447464B01

Wuppermann Business Services GmbH

Großalmstraße 1
A-4813 Altmünster

Phone +43 (0) 50 910 500
Fax +43 (0) 50 910 539

Managing Directors:
Johannes Nonn
Dr. Arndt Laßmann
Oliver Rechtsprecher
Christoph Bell

Registered: Landesgericht Wels, Austria
No.: FN 184177 z
VAT ID No.: ATU 51235809

Wuppermann Polska sp. z o.o.

Ul. Fabryczna 3
PL-67-320 Malomice

Phone +48 (0) 68 3780 -101
Fax +48 (0) 68 3780 - 102

Managing Director:
Konrad Waszak

Company register no. (KRS): 0000395556
VAT ID No. (NIP): PL6912492616
REGON: 021689152

Wuppermann Austria Holding GmbH

Großalmstraße 1
A-4813 Altmünster

Phone: +43 50910-0
Fax: +43 50910-539

Managing Directors:
Johannes Nonn
Dr. Arndt Laßmann
Oliver Rechtsprecher
Christoph Bell

Commercial Court of Registration: Landesgericht Wels
Registration Number: FN 195473k
Registered Office: Altmünster
VAT Number.: ATU 49337702

Wuppermann France S.A.S.

104 Avenue Albert 1er
Les passerelles
F-92500 Rueil Malmaison

Phone +33 611 090 781

Managing Directors:
Carl F. Swoboda (Chairman)
Christophe Billois

Siren: 732 057 153 R.C.S. Nanterre
Code APE: 4672Z

Nederland Logistic Services B.V.

Vlasweg 15
NL-4782 PW Moerdijk
Phone: +31 168 357 170

Managing Directors:
Rudolf Johannes Knippels
Terry Flokstra

Kamer van Koophandel West-Brabant, Breda
VAT Number: NL859314558B01
Corporate Registration Number: 72998024

Wuppermann Hungary Kft.

Győr-Gönyű Kikötő
H-9071 Gönyű, 098/2 hrsz.

Phone +36 (0) 96 544 711

Managing Directors:
Mario Dorfer
Ferenc Jakab

Tax number: 24777113-2-08
Community tax number: HU24777113
Corporate Registration Number: 08-09-027890

Wuppermann Engineering Kft.

H-9071 Gönyű, 098/2 hrsz.

Phone +36 96 544 711

Managing Directors:
Mario Dorfer
Ferenc Jakab

Corporate Registration Number: 08-09-035508
Community tax number: HU32207347

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