Start of the new training year at Wuppermann in Judenburg

Judenburg, 12.09.2023 - On 1 September 2023, the new training year began at Wuppermann Austria GmbH (WA) in Judenburg. Four young men will learn the profession of mechanical engineering technician at Wuppermann in three and a half years. They will be supported and guided by apprentice trainer Werner Kollenz.

"We are looking forward to welcoming our new colleagues at Wuppermann. We put a lot of heart and soul as well as energy into our apprenticeship training and are proud of the alumni, all of whom have always performed excellently and many of whom are still assisting us today as skilled workers. We are sure that our new apprentices will also give us a lot of pleasure," explains Werner Kollenz, apprentice trainer at WA.

Hubert Pletz, WA Managing Director adds: "We rely on a practice-oriented training concept, also to attract future skilled workers to our company. The family and stable working environment is particularly important to us. I wish Noah Ebner, Sebastian Maier, Julian Trink and Paul Kliemen every success in their apprenticeship as mechanical engineering technicians and would like to thank my colleagues who support the four young men - first and foremost our apprentice trainer Werner Kollenz."

WA will continue to welcome job applications via the online job application portal\de\career.
You are also welcome to send your application by post to: Wuppermann Austria GmbH, Gußstahlwerkstraße 23, 8750 Judenburg.

Kontakt dla prasy

  • Wuppermann AG
  • Ottostraße 5
  • D-51381 Leverkusen

Sabine Kuhnert

Corporate Communications and Marketing

  • T: +49 2171 5000 814

Janet Dunkel

Corporate Communications and Marketing

  • T: +49 2171 5000 811
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